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Peer Leaders Program


Each peer leader is assigned to a kindergarten, 1st grade, or 2nd grade classroom for the year.  Twice a week the peer leaders works with a younger aged child who needs extra support in reading and/or math for 30 minutes.  In addition to working with students in the younger classrooms, the peer leaders are often called upon to welcome visitors to Mason or escort them around the building for special events.

Peer leaders must be responsible, enjoy working with younger students, and are willing to help.

Selection Process

In May, the third grade teachers nominate students based on the following criteria:

  1. Students must be responsible. Sometimes they will be helping a younger student and miss classroom instruction. They must be responsible with completing their homework.
  2. The students must have outstanding conduct. If a peer leader receives a discipline referral he/she will no longer be a peer leader at Mason Elementary School.
  3. The students must have a desire to help others.

Once the students have been nominated, they will fill out an application and have two certified teachers complete a reference form. All of these are scored on a rubric and the peer leader selection committee reviews the blind applications to determine which students will serve as the fourth grade peer leaders. 

Mason Elementary has approximately 10 fourth grade peer leaders and 10 fifth grade peer leaders. They serve in this position for two years.

If you have any questions regarding the peer leadership program here at Mason, please contact Merrill Baxley- School Counselor.